Any Difference? Burning vs Igniting


I would very much like to know the difference between these two terms please, or if it is pretty much or the EXACT same thing.

In some cases you have something called CAUSE BURNING, which is an effect which causes effects after main Attack out of whatever kind of thing that attacks. Could also be known as Burning Effects which is by the Burning itself.

Some Items/Effects have the ability to cause an effect that works like this: This Attack or whatever have Some OR All Heat-type Effects have the x% chance of IGNITING Enemies as well.

Now, when I think about IGNITING Enemies, I do tend to think they burst into Flames which again is and may be caused by BURNING or the expression BURNING/BURSTING INTO FLAMES.

So, I wish to know. Are these terms the exact same thing like IGNITING actually means BURNING, or is IGNITING associated with something completely different then BURNING?

I will imagine IGNITING may have the ability to cause further BURNING as in BURNING effects when they are in FLAMES? Since they are BURNING when in FLAMES.

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Any Difference? Burning vs Igniting
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4 years 204 days ago
I think Nargoth first post gets it right. Ignite gives any heat type attack the chance to apply a burn DoT.

The Heavy Flamer for example has a DoT tag on all of his Skills so the ignite passive skill or enchant is useless on this one because it gives a DoT anyway. 

But if you use plasma gun or lasgun or whatever you can make a DoT weapon out of it with the ignite ability.

4 years 205 days ago
So, anyone knows?

I know it may be confusing and all, but some1 must know for sure.

4 years 206 days ago
Ya, this is something that has nagged me a bit over time. Since also it is based on some/all HEAT type Attacks. And may not only be based on Weapon(s).

So, pls. Some1 that is sure and understands all this the correct way.

Because I may think in the right terms, but mix up some things. For it sure does confuse me a little bit when you see it all how the different things is written in-game regarding all this.

4 years 206 days ago
So this would mean that "ignite" is second type of heat DoT? Burning DoT does 40% base dmg and ignite 10% weapon dmg?

4 years 206 days ago

Cannot for some reason edit my post:

There is also the season of inferno:

Inferno: Your attacks have a 5% chance to ignite enemies and cause 10% weapon damage/s for 5 seconds. This chance is increased by 4% with every completed Seasonal Tier.

So actually I take back my previous answer as it might be the case that  " Ignite = cause 10% weapon damage/s for 5 seconds"

4 years 206 days ago

Ignite means it gives you a chance to apply burn on the target.

For example" All Heat type attacks have a 10% chance to Ignite enemies as well" meaning heat attact have 10% chance to add burning dot on enemy on the standard burning rules.

4 years 206 days ago
That's a really good question. 

Burn seems to be DoT. Maybe ignite means adding vulnerability? Or it's just a simple translation mistake...