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- any chance of retenues or perminent summons?
any chance of retenues or perminent summons?
Warhammer 40K Feedback
4 years 231 days ago
Brother Kundari
replied 4 years 230 days ago
hey, does anyone know if its possible if theres a chance of getting a retinue that can actually help in gameplay? or at the very least if there will ever be a way to get perminent reinforcements? (i really want a squad of guardsmen to company me wherever i go)
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any chance of retenues or perminent summons?
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4 years 230 days ago
The only way of getting actual help in-game, like summons so far, is to spend Favour Pts with the Keeper of the Forge.
Earlier it was actually possible to buy Summons for Credits.
So, is this the way you really want to spend your Favour Pts? Oh well, your choice though.
4 years 231 days ago
Check a Custodian Rebus
4 years 231 days ago
Would love to have a squad of Blood Raven`s under my command (also more maps but that's another discussion lol)
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