Add an option to re-roll missions


Add an option to re-roll Random and Starmap missions. It could be limited (1 reroll/day), or it could cost a currency (credit). It is quite frustrating when you do the missions, and at the end, you are stuck with the mission/enemy type you don't like or not "optimal" for your build. It happened yesterday, that during leveling my character, I got stuck with only Purge missions in the Random mission list, and its quite frustrating as that is the slowest one besides Datahunt.

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Add an option to re-roll missions
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4 years 257 days ago

@MARCOPOLOCS‍, i also dont like Purge missions on large open maps and prefer not to run them. i spend a lot of time to find all the enemies. it’s better to have some specific goal of mission. it would be better to disable purge missions for the large open maps. i think for this open maps better suited mission type: hunting, siege, data hunt, disable mortar or rescue.

best regards.

4 years 258 days ago
Besides the missions in the Mission Deployment you can find other missions in the Starmap as well.

On the other hand I will discuss your request with our designers, thank you for your feedback!