A thank you note for the team


Lots of anger in the forum today. Regarding the servers getting swamped and all. People are angry because they can not play something they have been anticipating for a very long time and it's officially the full release so their frustration is understandable. 

Still being a old fan of the 40k universe, from the dawn of war 1 era, i would like to congratulate the team and say this, in the opinion of this humble servant of the emperor, this game is among the top 3 40k games i have played. I would keep it up there with space marine and DOW 1. Good job team. 

Oh just few more thing, needs more armor & weapon models in a dungeon crawler with loot based system.. :D

Also may be add other playable races (space marines, IG etc) and more types of enemies to purge (different chaos hordes - bloodletters, furies, daemonettes, pink horrors to represent the other gods? Ork hordes? Tyranids? Genestealers?) in the expansions to come. In the grim darkness of the far future, there should be a lot more to kill. :)

Blessings and guidance of the Omnissiah be with you.

This post was edited 6 years 249 days ago by mandar
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A thank you note for the team
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6 years 249 days ago

It is really nice to see positive comments about this game. I am a graduate of Diablo 3, Grim Dawn, and Destiny 2 maniac comments on their forums.  The games, all fantastic and magical in their own special ways, suffered immensely in the Forums.  I firmly believe if you cannot say something nice about a game,  don't like it, or only wish to complain about its mechanics,  you need to just put it down.  I think I might have found a new home here in this amazing game.  I am an old guy, but young at heart.  I am having a terrific time trying to figure out getting past all the waves in the 5th chapter.  Constantly getting killed.  Yet the game keeps drawing me back with its magic.  Just wanted to give a personal "Thank You" to the wonderful programmers, artists, writers that struggled so hard to produce this masterpiece. As I said, I am an old guy.  Not too healthy due to stuff that happened many years ago in Vietnam.  But what few years I have left will be much more enjoyable thanks to you marvelous, talented people!!!!  God Bless all of you!

6 years 249 days ago
A few thoughts-

If you look at the patch notes for release, they added some armor models and paln to release more. Weapons, too.

I do not think they plan to add any other playables, but they have stated in several places that they plan to eventually release all enemy factions through the season updates, for some more varied purging. I believe that the next faction planned is the Dark Eldar.

And yes, thank you guys for the awesome game!!