Release Date Announcement (and more)!
it's about time we sit down at the Round Table again, we have important matters to discuss! Without further ado, let's get to it, shall we?
Full Release Date
The most important thing first: we're happy to share with you that Knight's Tale is leaving Early Access and launching as a full release on Steam on FEBRUARY 15, 2022. As you already know, we have 4 Acts lined up, with over 30 heroes from 6 classes for you, and we can't wait for you to continue your journey in Avalon!
Until then of course, we will be releasing one more update: the PvP mode, unlocked as a Kickstarter stretch goal last year, is coming alongside a few other things this December.
New Dev Diary Entry - Classes and character management in Knight's Tale
We're continuing our video series about the intricacies of Knight's Tale, this time around with an in-depth overview of the game's classes! If you want to know more about what we had in mind when designing our heroes, check out the video here!
The Fisher King
And now, a new piece of concept art of a mighty foe, with a bit of lore as a cherry on the top!
The Fisher King is the monarch of the terrible Wasteland. He is a crippled, tortured soul, suffering from a wound that cannot be healed. His mystical connection with his kingdom in Avalon affects the lands around his castle: when the king suffers, so suffers the realm with him, and the blight that destroys forests and villages is spreading uncontrollably.
The Fisher King is a mystery – some say that his wound is quite fresh and his suffering started when the apocalyptic Storm raged through Avalon and brought darkness and destruction to the otherworldly island. No one knows the answers, but one thing seems to be certain – he must be stopped before his illness engulfs the entire land.
The Steam Digital Tabletop Fest starts tomorrow!
Last but not least, a few words about the more immediate future! Steam's Digital Tabletop Fest starts tomorrow at 7PM CET/10AM PST, with some amazing panel discussions. We're very excited to be part of Tabletop Fest, as well as participants of the Myths of King Arthur Roundtable, where we will be discussing how the Arthurian myth intertwines with stories of various video games. The broadcasts start on Friday, and will be on repeat all weekend, so make sure to catch us and the other fantastic devs over at Steam!
As always…
Avalon Awaits!